
SecureYourMemories:11EasyWaystoBackUpiPhonePhotos&Videos!Inthiscomprehensiveguide,discover11foolproofmethodsto ...,BackupphotosandvideosfromiPhoneandiPadtoanycloudstorageservice·GetDocumentsfromtheAppStoreandlaunchtheapp.·Tapthe ...,GotoSettings>[yourname]>iCloud.TapPhotos,thenturnonSyncthisiPhone.,Turnbackuponoroff·OpentheiOSsettingsappandtapPrivacyandthenPhotos.·TurnonGooglePhotos....

11 Easy Ways to Back Up Your iPhone Photos and Video

Secure Your Memories: 11 Easy Ways to Back Up iPhone Photos & Videos! In this comprehensive guide, discover 11 foolproof methods to ...

4 ways to back up your photos from iPhone & iPad

Back up photos and videos from iPhone and iPad to any cloud storage service · Get Documents from the App Store and launch the app. · Tap the ...

Back up and sync your photos with iCloud

Go to Settings > [your name] > iCloud. Tap Photos, then turn on Sync this iPhone .

Back up photos & videos - iPhone & iPad

Turn backup on or off · Open the iOS settings app and tap Privacy and then Photos. · Turn on Google Photos. Check if backup is ...

Best way to backup photos taken on iPhone (50GB+) without using ...

Make life simple: use iCloud Photos and 'Optimized iPhone Storage'. 50 GB of photos in iCloud might only take up 3 GB on the phone.

How does everyone back up their photos? : riphone

Synology Photos is the app. Pretty easy to setup, and you can set it up on multiple devices to backup into their own folders. You have to open ...

How to backup photos on iPhone

How to backup photos on iPhone · 1. Open Settings > Tap your name · 2. iCloud > Photos · 3. Toggle on Sync this iPhone · 1. Connect your iPhone ...

The easiest ways to back up iPhone photos without iCloud

Switch to the Photos tab and drag and drop your images and videos to other locations on your Mac just as you would any other file. You can also ...

Transfer photos and videos from your iPhone or iPad to your Mac or ...

With the Photos app and a USB cable, you can transfer photos and videos to your computer. You can also make your photos available on all your devices with ...


首先下載iCloud for Windows,然後執行軟體。 · 點擊“選項”,選擇“iCloud Photo Library”。 · 點擊“完成”>“應用” · 後續您添加到iCloud Photo Library 的每張新 ...